Government of Sindh Environment, Climate Change and Coastal Development Department Directorate of Climate Chang

Climate Change and the challenges, the world in general and Pakistan are facing, need immediate actions being a harsh reality which the humankind have to deal so that the world and the nature can be protected for our future generations… With the evolving world, the words like global warming, greenhouse effect, CO2 emission &
carbon footprint, relentless use of fossil fuel, rising sea temperature resulting in rising sea levels, heatwaves, glaciers melt down at a faster pace resulting in GLOF (Glacial Lake Outburst Floods), unprecedented and extreme weather conditions, floods and droughts, to name a few, are no more new to us. It’s high time now that we should acknowledge these issues to find a way out.

As all these are impacting daily life, health, livelihood and trigger climate change induced internal migration for some as well as compromising global food security due to impact on agriculture. Taking cognizance of the issue, the Government of Sindh has come up with a Climate Change Policy, in line with the Final Updated National Climate Change Policy 2021 to have an effective and robust response mechanism for the Province.

The Government has taken initiatives for restoration of mangrove plantation, the natural carbon neutralizers and the natural flood & storm surge barriers as well as protection of Indus Delta with its rich biodiversity and adjoining coastal regions which are getting compromised with ever increasing sea intrusion other livelihood interventions. But as Climate Change, being a cross cutting subject, a dedicated policy framework is needed, encompassing development portfolio and all the line Departments of the Government to better cope up with Climate Change shocks.

Actions taken by the Government of Sindh under the Sindh Climate Change Policy-2022 would translate into mutually agreed action plan and implementation framework for the Province, ensuring a better environment for the future generations and would enable the Government tovchelp the Government of Pakistan in fulfilling its commitments under the Paris Agreement andcvother international commitments

Government of Sindh Environment, Climate Change and Coastal Development Department Report Download

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